Communicate Your Value More, to More People, and More People Will Buy From YouThis is an excerpt from my new book, The Revenue Growth Habit, which will begin shipping this week. You can buy it now at Amazon here and at Barnes & Nobles here.

Not long ago, I was presenting a webinar, one of a series of six which I was commissioned to give by an industry association. This organization shared its member feedback with me. My reviews are nearly unanimously positive after such sessions. But one review struck me after this webinar. This reviewer made it clear he hadn’t seen or heard of my work before, even though I was a keynote speaker and workshop presenter for this association that year. This person also obviously never had a chance to implement my techniques since this feedback was submitted immediately after the session.

In addition to his numerical ratings, this person said, simply, “It can’t be as simple as Alex says.”

My short response to this person is “It is exactly as simple as I say it is.”

Revenue growth occurs when customers and prospects learn about what they can buy from us, and how they will be improved when they do so.

So, my approach to growing the companies of my clients involves communicating with customers and prospects a lot more. That’s really how simple it is.

But now let’s take a slightly deeper look at this audience member’s feedback.

He wasn’t buying that my fast, easy approach would grow his business.

I’m going to assume a few things now, because this person runs a company that’s similar to the typical firm in this association. As I describe the typical business in this group, I think we can figure out why he feels that growing revenue can’t be as simple as I say:

Because business isn’t easy for him. Never has been.

In fact, business has often been a struggle, a long, slow slog.

His revenue has been at about the same place for a few years now, and shrank quite a bit during the recession.

His is a multi-generational family business. His father may have started it, or his grandfather.

He works too hard, and doesn’t make nearly enough money for the amount of effort, risk, and time he sinks into his business.

In fact, he’d likely make more money if he went and got a job in his industry. In doing so, he’d lose the risk, too, so life would be much easier.

But he can’t do that because he has employees, some of who were with the business when his dad ran it. He feels a responsibility to them. And to his family members who ran the business before him.

Plus, he has always aspired to sell the business, and if he just goes and takes a job, that dream is out the window. Then all the work, all the struggle, all the running in place, will have been for nothing.

So he stays. He struggles. He works incredibly hard, is fair to his staff, and does good by his customers.

It’s easy to understand, then, why my approach seems too good to be true to this man.

Nothing has ever come easily to him.

But my dozens of clients and thousands of audience members, and tens of thousands of newsletter subscribers who have applied my techniques will tell him this elegant truth: communicate your value more, to more people, and more people will buy from you.

It is not one iota more complex that that.

Tell people what they can buy from you, and what will be better when they do, and they will do so.

And your business will grow, simply, effectively, powerfully, joyously.


The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy specializing in aggressive sales growth for closely-held companies. If you’d like to discuss growing your business quickly and easily, please call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com

My new book, The Revenue Growth Habit, has been selected one of the five best sales books of the year by 800-CEO-Read. I’m appreciative of the honor. You can buy it on Amazon here.