Do You Want Your Customers To Buy More From You Help People With Your ValueIn speeches and workshops, among association audiences and client audiences, people often raise “what ifs.” They use these as reasons to avoid starting my approach to marketing their value:

What if my customer doesn’t let me record the testimonial conversation?
Then for the one customer, you’ll leave it turned off, but that’s no reason to not conduct your testimonial conversations, because 99% of your customers will allow it.

What if people don’t allow me to use their testimonials?
Some won’t. But most will. In my experience, 95% grant permission.

What if people unsubscribe from my newsletter?
Some will. That’s life. Others will read, they’ll find value. And that’s point, helping people with your value, so that they can choose to buy more from you.

People raise exceptions as though they’re rules. This won’t work in our industry. Our industry is different. It’s not different. It’s the same as all others. Customers want value, they simply don’t know that they can buy it from you. Most of your customers and prospects don’t know about all that they can buy from you.

A few people on your lists will opt out, or decline, or refuse. Let them. It’s their right. But understand that the vast majority — more than nine out of ten — will be happy to help you help them more. Because that’s all good marketing is. That’s all we’re doing here.


The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy specializing in aggressive sales growth for closely-held companies. If you’d like to discuss growing your business quickly and easily, please call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com

Alex teaches these concepts in keynote speeches and workshops about 50 times per year. It’s perfect, practical, energizing. motivating material for association events and sales meetings. You can get more information here or call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com