The customer is happy to give us testimonials, but we do not ask, because we are afraid of rejection, or offending the customer. The customer is even gratefulto be asked — I constantly hear “thank you for including me in this” from the customers of my clients as I gather testimonials from them — but we are too scared to ask. 

 The customer loves giving referrals, because they make her look good to her friend or colleague, but we don’t ask because we are afraid. The customer wants to help a friend by connecting them to us, but we do not ask. Because we don’t want to offend. Because we don’t want to bother the customer. Because we don’t want to lose the customer we worked so hard to get. By asking for a referral! 

 The customer loves it when we follow up on deliveries, or proposals, or interest, because it demonstrates that we care. It separates us from the competition. And it allows the customer to ask us about others products or services they may need from us at the moment we follow up. But we do not follow up. Why? Because we are fearful. Of upsetting the customer; of making him angry; of taking his time. By following up and showing him we care about him! 

 This damnable fear probably costs you a 25% increase in sales — and, in turn, take-home pay — every year, year after year. Think about that.

 The tragedy here is that our customers desire these personal communications we are too afraid to make. They appreciate them, value them, and are grateful for them. It’s our discomfort and fear (not customers’) that keeps us from doing the good work, the right work, that our customers and our families deserve.  

 If you’d like to deal with this fear in your organization, and start systematically asking for and receiving testimonials and referrals — and dramatically increasing your quote and proposal close rate — call me at 847-459-6322 or reply to this email.