There are about four working weeks left in 2018.

What will you do to sell more and finish the year strong?

Will you call customers who can buy more from you? Right now, as you read this, your customers are buying things from the competition that they could be buying from you. Even your best customers are doing this.

Will you follow up on outstanding quotes? This is not an exaggeration: multiple clients who religiously started following up on all quotes over a certain size find themselves closing more the 90% of these quotes. This is up from their current close rate of about 20%. What would this do for your business?

Will you make proactive phone calls to customers you haven’t spoken to for a while? Ask them about their Thanksgiving, and their Christmas plans, and their family. Then ask what they’re working on that you can help them with.

If you intend to make some of these communications detailed above, the key is to make a list of names for each communication.

Who will you communicate with?

We need a list of humans in front of our eyes, on the top of our desk.

Make this list, and keep it in front of you. Then, communicate.

Your customers deserve it.

And your family deserves the additional sales and take-home pay that will result.

Join my powerful new 2019 sales growth coaching program for individuals and smaller companies here.