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Revenue Language
Here are 10 phrases that will help you sell more. Say them to customers and prospects. I'd like to help you in this way too. We have a customer similar to you, and here's what they did. Who do you know like yourself? We also have... Did you know...? I was...
Holding Memorable “Wow” Events
Alex Goldfayn discusses "wow" events and how they can grow your sales.
Resolutions Require New Habits
New years resolutions are commitments to create new habits. This is why most resolutions go unattained. We resolve, but we do not put the work in to create the necessary habits. Here's the thing about habits: The behaviors we wish to replace are (bad) habits just...
Learning From 2016
As the year winds down, and we are in the after-glow of time with family and heading into a slower (for most), more relaxed week -- the final week of the year -- it is a perfect time to consider what we've learned and what we're going to do about it. 1. Think back...
End-Of-Year Customer Calls
Here’s a simple but blazingly effective revenue growth technique to implement as the year winds down, and as the new year begins. Call every prospect you talked to this year who did not buy, and ask them what you can help with before the year ends. “Just checking in...
Alex Goldfayn Talks About Revenue Growth
Watch this short video about how Alex Goldfayn implements the Revenue Growth Habit for his clients.
How To Hire Salespeople
In my research with dozens of clients, new hires who are "experienced" salespeople rarely outperform inexperienced ones who are enthusiastic and eager to learn and develop. The value of experience is most often the relationships that seasoned salespeople come in...
The Gas Pedal
I talk about gas pedals with my clients a lot. To grow sales quickly, we must step on the gas, hard. We must systematically start to call, meet, help and proactively communicate with clients and prospects. The more of these things we do, the more business grows. But...
In Sales, No Doesn’t Mean No
Alex Goldfayn discusses why in sales, no doesn't really mean no, it merely means not right now.
Three Questions to #FinishStrong
Three questions to ask yourself to finish the year with growing sales: What percentage of my products and services do my customers actively, consciously know about? What percentage do I want to increase this to? Right now, today, even your best customers are going to...