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Close Rates — Alex Goldfayn
Alex Goldfayn discusses the surprising close rates of the did you know question, and his three-step quote follow-up technique. More in Alex's...
Working On The Business
I often tell my clients -- owners and leaders of large, successful multi-generational companies -- that they need to spend more time working on the business, rather than working in it all the time. The same is true for vice presidents, division leaders, regional...
Accountability in Sales Growth by Alex Goldfayn
Alex Goldfayn discusses the critical role of accountability in sales growth.
The Revenue Growth Equation
Revenue Growth equals: The Customer (WHO) + The Products & Services (WHAT) + The Communications (HOW) You need all three variables. This doesn't work with two of the three. The customer is who is buying. This includes not only your existing customers, but also...
Joyful Work by Alex Goldfayn
Today's video covers Jerry Seinfeld, Barack Obama, the Cubs, and the joy of doing work we love. Alex Goldfayn discusses why work better, and sell better, when the work is joyful....
The Problem Solving Circle
Revenue growth is a proactive pursuit but most customer facing people spend their days reacting to problems. A customer calls and needs a product now, so we react and process the rush order. The next customer calls with a complaint, so we must fix it. We're in the...
The Discomfort With Testimonials & Referrals
This week's video discusses the discomfort we have with testimonials and referrals. The irony is, our customers are not uncomfortable! And if...
Phone Time
Truth: The more time your salespeople spend on the phone with customers and prospects, the more they will sell. The less time they spend on the phone, the less they will sell. Question: How much time do your salespeople spend on the phone with customers and...
Another Simple Question That Dramatically Increases Sales
This week's edition covers another simple question that will quickly and easily grow your sales. Two weeks ago, I covered the reverse did...
Bite-Size Revenue Growth
Techniques for sales growth, in bite-size nuggets: Be bold. Ask for the business. Don't tip-toe. You won't offend a customer when you offer to help him more. Sales growth is no place for the meek. The discomfort with asking for more business is almost always ours, not...