Truth: The more time your salespeople spend on the phone with customers and prospects, the more they will sell. The less time they spend on the phone, the less they will sell.

 Question: How much time do your salespeople spend on the phone with customers and prospects? (Say, weekly.)

 Truth: You are probably severely over-estimating. Almost all owners and managers do. Most owners are off exponentially. Your people are likely spending a fraction of the time on the phone that you think they are.

 One of my best clients recently reported that, as a part of our work together, his salespeople’s phone time has quadrupled. Guess what sales have done?

 If you want to grow sales, increase your people’s phone time with customers and prospects. Count out-bound phone calls, or minutes, or hours. It doesn’t matter what you track, as long as you track. Get your true, honest current baseline (you’ll be surprised), and then put a much higher minimum requisite on it going forward.

 Increasing phone calls is an active component of my work with clients.

 Truth (amazingly): The proactive, non-crisis phone call to customers and prospects — which used to be commonplace — is nearly non-existent today. It helps you stand out from the competition, uncommoditizes you, shows your audience that you care, and immediately grows your sales.

 Want to grow your business? Sell more to existing customers? Infuse your culture with the positivity of your happy customers? Implement a simple but powerful selling system based on your great value as opposed to reducing your prices? Reply to this email or call me at directly 847-459-6322.

 My book, The Revenue Growth Habit, is the reigning, defending 2015 Sales Book of the Year (as selected by 800-CEO-Read).