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Four Questions to Uncover Powerful Marketing Language from Your Customers
Amazingly, most consumer electronics companies are poor marketers. The vast majority are falling short because they use poor language. Poor language doesn't excite consumers, which is the ultimate goal. You must uncover powerful language that motivates and energizes...
In Marketing, Language is Everything
To excite people towards buying your products (and exciting people is your job, not convincing them!), you must use low-to-no tech language. How do you know what's the right language? Just use the words your consumers use.
Blackberry Leads Smart Phone Sales, But Lacks Consumer Energy
The Blackberry Torch came out yesterday, and one Gartner analyst gave Bloomburg Businessweek this annoying piece of analysis: “But it doesn’t have the look and feel of an Android or Apple operating system and I’m not sure it will achieve the goal of taking volume away...
Why the iPad Will Never Be a More Popular Reader Than the Kindle
Video: Perfecting vs Inventing
The best consumer electronics were not first in their category. Whether your products or your marketing, it is not necessary to be first. It is only necessary to improve (even if only slightly) on what already is working.
Video: The Future of 3DTVs
Three-dimensional televisions are far from a sure thing.
Video: Teach Consumers Like Steve Jobs Does
There is nobody better at teaching consumers -- and media -- how to talk about his company's products than Steve Jobs. Why not use this idea within your company?
On Smart Phone Delays
Here's a quick take on smart phone delays: Apple can afford it, because its evangelist consumers will wait for Apple. Android makers and wireless carriers cannot afford the same delays. Here's why:
Video: Allow Consumers To Choose You
There will be a lot more on this topic here in the coming days. So many manufacturers are taking themselves out of the game through unforced errors. Tech makers do so much harm unto themselves. Allow people to choose you!
Video: The Microsoft Kin is What Happens When You Focus on 1,000 Things At Once
Stay focused. Put your energy into your core business. And apply at least twice as much energy into developing and executing powerful marketing as you put into product development.