Memorial DayThis newsletter has readers from across more than 40 countries. Please bear me with today, Memorial Day, as I talk about my country.

As many people know, I was born in Ukraine, which was a part of the Soviet Union back then. My 26-year-old dad risked everything by bringing his young family to America, without English, and without money. And thanks to an incredible mix of effort, perseverance, and an only-in-America sense of hope and possibility, here we are. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not aware of how lucky and grateful I am that my family did this for me, and that I get to live here.

Whenever I see members of our Armed Forces, and it’s clear I’m not going to interrupt or intrude, I walk up to them and thank them for their service. It is their work that lets us do ours. That American hope and possibility? They fight for that. We don’t have that without their sacrifice.

My twins are five years old, and yesterday over dinner we talked about the meaning of Memorial Day for the first time. This morning my son wanted to wear an “Army shirt like the people who protect us.” He wanted to honor them.

I’m proud of him. And I’m proud to live in America, where my family lives with freedom and unlimited hope, protected and ensured by the brave men and women who serve us.

I honor them.

The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy specializing in aggressive sales growth for closely-held companies. If you’d like to discuss growing your business quickly and easily, please call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com

My new book, The Revenue Growth Habit, has been selected one of the five best sales books of the year by 800-CEO-Read. I’m appreciative of the honor. You can buy it on Amazon here.