I wish you happiness and prosperity in 2018.

 I wish you optimism and gratitude. May you expect to get the sale when you pick up the phone, and may you be grateful for having prospects to call on. Many people don’t. And may your prospects express their gratitude for your amazing work. Almost always, if you ask your customers about your work, they will glow about it.

 And speaking of the phone, may you pick it up early and often this year.

 And may you stop hesitating, avoiding and over-thinking. Leave this self-defeating behavior for your competition. Let them procrastinate. You take action.

 May you ask for many referrals this year, and may receive them in bulk.

 This year, may you plan your work (quickly), and then go work the plan efficiently.

 And, most importantly, may you find joy in the work.

 Because that’s the point.

 We can do anything.

 And every day we choose this. We choose to help our customers.

 These are my wishes for you. May the year be good to you, and may you attain everything that you wish for yourself.

 My clients add 10-20% additional sales to their top line annually. If you would like to discuss doing this for your organization in 2018, call me directly at 847-459-6322 or simply reply to this email.