
Are you making time for revenue growth? It’s a proactive pursuit. You cannot spend your days reacting to customers’ issues and significantly grow your organization.

Are you behaving boldly? Because marketing it no place for modesty. You improve lives and companies. Act like it.

Are you asking for testimonials and referrals regularly? These are among the best and easiest ways to grow sales.

Are multiple people at your company consistently asking the “Did You Know” question? On average, customers are only aware of about 30 percent of all that they can buy from you. People cannot buy what they do not know about.

Are you taking action or preparing it? Revenue growth requires a ready-fire-aim approach to execution. Adjust after you launch. Stop perfecting. It’s far too expensive.

The Growth Masters Annual Curriculum 

There has been tremendous activity around the Growth Masters Annual Curriculum. Multiple associationsare promoting it to their memberships. The program features:

  • A year-long laser focus on revenue growth.
  • Three live, full-day workshops in Chicago led personally by me.
  • Four webinars.
  • Everything is streamed live. If you can’t make the live sessions, you can participate on your computer.
  • Everything is recorded. Attend. Review. Practice. Apply. Revisit. Apply some more.
  • Monthly, I’ll send you tools, templates and tips on growing your sales.

The first workshop is in December.

There’s a $500 discount currently in place.

You can read the complete details here.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.