
I’ve spent the last week in Palm Beach, first at a conference and then with my family over the weekend. Every morning, I was one of the first on the beach, watching the sun rise. With my six-year-old kids, these were some magical moments. We got to talk about life, family, opportunities, and how lucky we are. Here’s what will stick in my mind:

Every day the sun rises, and it’s glorious, even if we can’t see it. Every day there are prospects who need you, even if you don’t know about them. They’re there.

Every day is an opportunity to see the wonder around us, but we need to look. We could have stayed in bed, or indoors, like most of the other people. But we knew there was beauty and we went to it. Look for the beauty around you. Look for the opportunities around you. Really look. Go to them.

At sunrise, the beach was ours. We were basically alone. The prospecting beach is similarly deserted. There isn’t much competition out there putting in the effort to send new prospects real value. Show up. Do the work, and you’ll be rewarded.

Every sunrise offers wonder and opportunity. All we have to do is see it.

The Evangelist Marketing Institute is a revenue growth consultancy specializing in aggressive sales growth for closely-held companies. If you’d like to discuss growing your business quickly and easily, please call Alex Goldfayn directly at 847-459-6322, or email at alex[at]evangelistmktg[.]com

My new book, The Revenue Growth Habit, has been selected one of the five best sales books of the year by 800-CEO-Read. I’m appreciative of the honor. You can buy it on Amazon here.