The Righteous Work of Selling

It’s noble work that those of us in the sales profession get to do. First, it’s a helping profession, isn’t it? Who gets to help people more than us? Every day, we can show up, be present, ask questions, and try our hardest to help people who need...

Predictable Growth For Companies Under $15M

Email Outage My business was caught up in the terrible Rackspace email server outage, and none of the emails sent Friday or Saturday got through — and likely never will. I’m contacting privately all those I had active email interactions with, however, if...

One Percent of Your Time

There are 120,000 working minutes a year, assuming eight-hour days and two weeks off annually. But it takes just five minutes a day — or less — to intentionally and predictably grow your sales. This is a total of 1,250 minutes a year, or almost exactly 1%...

Quick Techniques To Finish Strong in 2022

What are your lowest-hanging sales opportunities right now? Make a quick list of them and call them proactively (unscheduled) and tell them you’re thinking about them and that you would like to help them. Who are your best customers who can buy more from you?...