What did it take to get from there to here?

When I was a child, my family came to America with $20 and nothing else. Today I run a $3 million per year solo consulting practice, but the journey here has not been easy. When I started doing this work, I was proposing (and getting rejected) for $7,500 projects....

Are You Thinking Big?

If you’re taking action aggressively, creatively, consistently, and successfully, you are thinking big. If you’re analyzing, assessing, thinking, meeting, discussing, considering, and running it by legal, you are thinking defensively, which is the opposite...


The following is from my Monday Evangelist Marketing Minute email. I will be elaborating more on this in the coming days and weeks, but for now, here’s my take on perseverance. It’s a magic ability we all have, yet many of us choose not to use it:...

Lessons in Perseverance (From a Tomato Plant)

A large, potted tomato plant fell off my deck in a powerful thunderstorm last night. Several long branches broke off completely. They were laden with green tomatoes. Several other branches were partially broken, and I taped and splinted them up to the best of my...