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Key Revenue Indicators
What are your key revenue indicators? That is, which actions or measures, followed weekly, monthly and quarterly, closely predict revenue growth for you? In my business, I have two: Proactive phone calls: I know that if I make five efforts per day -- voice mails...
How many times have you delayed doing something for weeks and months, agonized over it, and then when you finally did it, it took you five or ten minutes and you immediately reaped the benefit?! We avoid the phone call, putting it off repeatedly, for fear of...
How to Grow
Here are four revenue growth actions you can implement this week: Go back to five people who told you know in the last six months, and call them on the phone. Follow up on five quotes or proposals where the prospect has gone silent. Ask five reverse did you know...
Systematize Your Revenue Growth – By Alex Goldfayn
One of the best things you can do in your pursuit of growth is to systematize it. Like the automatic deposit into your retirement account (which many times would not happen unless it was automatic), look for opportunities to automate your communications with customers...
Testimonial Calls vs Emails
Last week I keynoted a 1,000 person conference in Chicago. During one of my ensuing breakout sessions, an attendee raised her hand and made an argument for collecting testimonials by email instead of by phone, as I teach. Some of you have seen me have this...
The Grind
The first days of a new diet are easy -- it's day 26 that's hard. New year's resolutions are easy during the first week. It's the fourth week, or the 14th week, that's hard. Starting is easy. Grinding is hard. Thing is, success comes with repetitive actions over a...
Fear Of The Important Work
The customer is happy to give us testimonials, but we do not ask, because we are afraid of rejection, or offending the customer. The customer is even gratefulto be asked -- I constantly hear "thank you for including me in this" from the customers of my clients as I...
Bring Your Customers Hope and Possibility
Alex Goldfayn discusses the power of bringing hope and possibility to your customers
Are You Thinking About It Or Doing It?
Here's an interesting psychological phenomenon that I've observed among experienced salespeople: We confuse thinking about something a lot with actually doing that thing. It's why people often tell me "I'm already doing that," when it comes to asking for...
Order Taking Is Not Selling
Around two or three years into the job, many sales people begin a slow transition to taking orders rather than selling. That is, in the early years when there is no business, the job is to find new customers, build up the base, etc. Once that's done, the phone starts...